Thursday, September 29, 2011

Soul On Bikes, Eastbay Dragons of Oakland and Sonny on HA back in the day.

So I just finished reading, Soul On Bikes, a book about the life and times of the East Bay Dragons MC and Sonny Barger's book Hell's Angel both from Oakland back in the day. These books are about building, living, and getting down in the Bay and down in SoCal during the high time of Chopperdom. Dragons started off as a car club, transitioned into choppers, and somewhere along the way made their mark. The other has their own story, both books read like a builders dream, they were able to buy up all the Flatheads, Pans, and Knuckles they wanted for a couple hundred dollars off the WWII vets around town who didn't see the big deal in bikes and swap/trade parts with between the brothers and (red&)white boys down the street. These books write about the politics, the fun, and crazy situations, all the great things,and more, about the days we all try to recreate in one way or another.  T. Levingston and S. Barger write with passion about their lives and building days...

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